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How Clean Is Your Air?
Take a deep breath. How clean is the air you just inhaled? It all depends on where you call home. However, air is not limited to national boundaries. The following articles explain how we in the U.S. (and the world) can be affected by pollution in Asia:
Air Pollution from Asia Affecting World's Weather
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/01/140121130034.htm ScienceDaily: Jan. 21, 2014January 23, 2014 | By: Samantha Jakuboski (high school student)Atmospheric Pollution - eBook by Dr. Clifford JonesVirtual Lab - Carbon Cycle Simulation:Causes and effects of air pollutionRead excerpts from the list of websites below to answer questions on this survey form.1) Start by taking this quiz on all types of pollution.Don't worry about getting them right or wrong (this part is not graded). Just read the correct answers and share your response in the first part of the survey.2) Read this article from National Geographic for an overview of Air Pollution.
3) Then, explore this website created by the Sierra Club to learn more.
4) Next, go to this EPA web page that lists all the specific air pollutants. Browse all the different types, and then click on RADON.
5) Lastly, go to this site to see our current air quality and this site to see current news about air pollution.The Sierra Club BEYOND COAL campaign has launched an online air pollution map that shows how much air pollution there is where you live, how many people are at risk for health problems from coal pollution, and how many asthma attacks and premature deaths are caused by coal-fired power plants.Winter is the season when we produce the most amount of air pollution - due to heating and energy. The San Francisco Bay Area Air Quality Management District (SFBAAQMD...?) created a public awareness program called "Spare the Air". Check out this website for current air quality data, forecasts, and advisories.