

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Narbaitz

Mrs. Narbaitz Distance Learning

Weekly Assignments:

You can find the weekly assignments on the Chemistry page: 

What is due?: 

Week 1 Assignments:

-Turn in your warm up, 3 take-aways from the power point, and your answers for the questions from the reading.

Week 2 Assignments:

-Turn in your warm up, either 3 take aways from the power point OR 4 things you could do to reduce your carbon footprint, and the fossil fuel video worksheet. 

Week 3 Assignments: 

-Turn in your warm-up, 3 take aways from the power point, answer to interactive question, and the modeling worksheet *Optional Extra Credit- In a one page paper design a plan to increase awareness of climate change for your peers. How would you prompt your peers to take action? You can use the resources provided in the power point to help.*

Week 4 Assignments: 

-Turn in your warm up, 3 take aways from the power point, answers to the worksheet. For etra credit you may write a ClEveR (Claim- Evidence- Reasoning) about wildfires in California. 

Week 5 Assignments:

-Turn in your warm up, 3 takeaways from the powerpoint, and your answers to the worksheet.

You can submit these in a word document, the body of the email or take a picture if you wrote the answers on binder paper. You do not need to rewrite the questions just label the sections warm up, take-aways, or worksheet answers. You can email them to me at 

Communication/ Office Hours: 

  • I will be available to answer questions M-F between 8am-3pm via email.

You can reach me through REMIND sign up: text @9e8gbf to the number 81010

    • Email
    • Call me at (925) 709-4216. (This is my google voice phone number)
  • I will be hosting ZOOM office hours every Tuesday and Thursday 12-2. You can request a one on one appointment if you need extra support. 

Etiquette and Norms when on ZOOM

  • Ensure your technology works correctly. Test before each scheduled video conference.
  • Be on time
  • Mute yourself when not speaking. This minimizes unnecessary noise to group.
  • Avoid speaking over others. Use wait time before speaking to avoid interrupting others.
  • Pay attention and avoid multi-tasking. Treat the video conference as though you were physically attending class.
  • If on video, wear school-appropriate clothing as you would if physically with attendees.
  • If on video, frame the camera correctly and have ample light. Your face should not take up entire image of video, and be thoughtful of your background. A solid background with minimal background visuals is recommended.