


    Mr. Halberg, MS Ed, EdD (candidate)
    Classrooms: P-17; H-109
    Email Address: halbergp@luhsd.net
    Subject(s): World Cultures and Geography, Modern World History, AP World History, U.S. History, English II-III, AP Psychology, Brain Harmony, Peer Mediation...
    Currently teaching: Psychology in Society, Child Development
    Period 1 Psychology within Society
    Period 2 Prep
    Period 3 Child Development
    Period 4 Child Development
    Period 5 Prep
    Period 6 Psychology in Society
    Period 7 Child Development
    Period 8 Child Development

    Hans Selye's research on stress demonstrated that we perform best with some stress but not too much.  Stress is cumulative, meaning that stress in one area of one's life can also effect the whole.  Changes are often stressful, and we are all experiencing many changes in our lives.  As we work together through this school year, I commit to supporting you and listening to your experience with aspects of this online or hybrid school year that you may find stressful and helping find ways to make it work for all of us.


    Clever and Canvas

    Everything for students can now be accessed with these links through students' Clever and Canvas accounts.

    Psychology: https://luhsd.instructure.com/courses/1943

    Child Development: https://luhsd.instructure.com/courses/1741



    Make sure to include your last name, first name, subject, and period on each assignment.  It is easiest if you include your last name in the title of the document (e.g. Smith Frank Child Dev 8 Unit 5 Assignments).

    Grades in Clever, Canvas, and Aeries

    Please use your Canvas account login to stay up to date with grading.


    If you have any questions, please email me at halbergp@luhsd.net.


    Thank you and I really hope that you are all doing well and finding personal peace within the global chaos.


    Rick Halberg