
    Career Opportunities

     As a ROP/CTE class, we will dedicate time throughout the year, learning about various careers in Environmental Science.

    EBRPD Flier

    East Bay Regional Park District
    Youth Job Fair

          Saturday, Jan. 25th @ Hayward Area Senior Center,      22325 North 3rd Street, Hayward, CA 94541

             Saturday, Feb. 1st @ Pleasant Hill Senior Center,        233 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

    <--(Click on image to open full-size flier)




    [Link to Website]


    Tuesday, April 30th, 2019
    9am - 2pm

    David Brower Center
    2150 Allston Way
    Berkeley, CA 94704

    Water conservation is a critical issue throughout California.  Methods of handling our wastewater can help mitigate the increasing demand for water resources.  Dealing with sewage seems rather undesirable, but there are a wide variety of jobs - few of which are actually being exposed to the waste.  Check out this flier for examples of the great salaries: 
    Check out BayWork and BACWWE at the bottom of this page for more opportunities!
    City of Antioch, Pittsburg & Brentwood

    Student Internships:

          • Outreach Intern
          • Social Media/Marketing Intern
          • Web Design Intern

    CLICK HERE for application
     City of Oakley - Department of Recreation
    (Click thumbnail images below to open fliers)
    Aides   Leader
       Recreational Aides        Recreational Leader
    CLICK HERE to apply 
    Deadline: Friday, April 28, 2017
      PFSE logo
    Internships that may develop into full-time jobs!
    Click HERE to open informational flier. 
    Bay Area Consortium for Water and Wastewater Education (BACWWE)
    Find out about a unique educational opportunity that supports those who are entering or advancing in the water and wastewater industry. Industry partners want you to know how varied, interesting, and rewarding careers in this industry can be -- not just financially, but because they are a key element in sustaining a safer, greener, more livable community for all of us. 
    Because BACWWE industry partners contribute to the program financially, there is no cost to you as a student for the courses or for the required textbooks!
    BAYWORK is a consortium of Bay Area water and wastewater utilities working together to ensure that we will have the reliable workforce needed to serve our customers and protect the environment.