Classroom Number: physical room is D210
Subject: World Cultures & Geography and Foundations for Success
Please email me if you have questions or just to say Hi! I'll check my emails frequently through out the day. Try to stay positive. Make the most of this time! Get extra sleep:) Play video games with friends. Have a Zoom party. Walk your dog. Watch a nightly movie with your family; or play a game. Take up a new hobby. (I think I'll learn calligraphy. That's something I've always wanted to do) Bake your favorite dessert or find a new recipe on Pinterest and cook dinner for your family. There are still so many things YOU CAN DO. Don't focus on what you can't do. I look forward to seeing all your faces soon! Remember, some generations were asked to go to war. You're being asked to safely and comfortably stay in your home and practice social distancing. You can do it!!!!!