- Freedom High School
- Counseling
Emergency Information
You can get confidential help from trained professionals for free 24 hours/day.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
California Youth Crisis Line: 1-800-843-5200
Crisis Text Line (U.S.): Text HELLO to 741741
Youthspace Text Line: Text 778-783-0177
Non-Emergency Safety Planning
Identify 3 hobbies/activities/ healthy distractions
- Draw, color, paint
- Dance
- Video game
- Sleep/ nap
- Eat a snack
- Journal
- Exercise
- Play a game
- Go outside, go for a walk
- Talk to a friend
Identify 3 people you can reach out to for support
- Parent/ guardian
- Siblings
- Extended family (aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin)
- Friend(s)
- Trusted adults (coach, teacher,school staff member)
Quick ways to calm down
Think of your favorite place.- Imagine what does it look like, smell like, feel like, etc.
Think of your favorite things
Sing the lyrics of a song you love
Squeeze something (play doh, ball, pillow, our fists, silly putty)
Name things you see in your surroundings in alphabetical order (apple, book, cat, door, etc)
Identify 5 things you see, 4 things you smell, 3 things you touch, 2 things you hear, 1 thing you taste
Get a cold drink of water
Take deep breaths
Practice self-care and look after your mental health
1.Recognize that your anxiety is completely normal
Talk to a trusted adult and let them know if you’re not feeling well, or if you’re feeling worried about the virus.
2. Create distractions
Seek relief and find balance in your day by reading, doing homework, watching a movie, baking.
3. Find new ways to connect with your friends
Zoom, Facetime, join a Tik-Tok challenge, download Houseparty
4. Focus on you
What are some things you've always wanted to do? Write three down. Now is the time to do them.
5. Feel your feelings
Everyone processes feelings differently. Some people make art, talk to a friend, or listen to music. Do what feels right to you.