3X5 Business Banners

Do you own a business and looking for a great way to advertise and give back to the community?

  • Look no further, the Athletic Department  is offering a 3 x 5 banner to be displayed throughout the 2024-2025 school year.  This $430 donation is tax-deductible with our non-profit ID.


    Your participation in the Banner Fundraiser will assist the athletic program to get the necessary items needed for our 30+ sports programs.


    For our return business donations, we will be offering a discounted rate for the 2025-2026 school year. 


    Please keep in mind for our Fall/Winter sports, the deadline to participate in this fundraiser is August 30th, 2024. 


    Payments can be submitted to:

    Make checks payable to :


    *Freedom High School Athletics 

    1050 Neroly Rd, Oakley, CA 94561


    Please include Check Notes: Account 521 Athletic Income 


    The athletic boosters work closely with the athletic department and can help navigate sponsorships. If you need assistance, please contact the Athletic Director via email : Glen Briggs briggsg@luhsd.net and title the email " athletic banners" .

Last Modified on July 26, 2024