Failure to follow instructions will result in NO CREDT.

    Please use Turnitin.com if possible.

    Assignment # 7 - Final Assignment

    Assignment Date:  May 15, 2020

    Due Date:  May 22, 2020

    Assignment # 7

     Final Thoughts

    Please answer these questions as best as you can.

    Reflect back on your year in video production. 

    • What were your concerns when you entered the class?
    • Did those concerns disappear? If so, when? If not, why not?
    • Would you take the class again if you had the opportunity?
    • List 3 things you learned in video production class that you did NOT know before entering the class.
    • List 2-3 things you learned in class that were not “video production” related.
    • Do you think that anything you learned in Video Production can help you later in life? Is yes, explain.
    • Optional: Offer any thoughts you have about the year and your experience in Video Production class.




     Failure to follow instructions will result in NO CREDT.  

     Cutting and Pasting material is Plagiarism and will immediately result in an irrevocable Failing grade for the assignment. 

     Please use Turnitin.com if possible. 

    Assignment # 6  - Film Criticism 

    Week of  May 11, 2020 

    Due Date:  May 18, 2020 

    Assignment #6 

    Click on link below. 

     Film Criticism 


     Watch the 10-minute Video.   

     Take Notes!  

    Answer these 6 Questions in 1 sentence for each question 

     1) Who Directed Citizen Kane? 

    2) What year was Citizen Kane release? 

    3) Who was the Cinematographer of Citizen Kane? 

    4) What did the crew do to the table to allow the tracking shot in the small room? 

    5) What was the name of Kane’s house in the movie? 





    Failure to follow instructions will result in NO CREDT.

    Cutting and Pasting material is Plagiarism and will immediately result in an irrevocable Failing grade for the assignment.

    Please use Turnitin.com if possible.

    Assignment # 5  - The Producer

    Week of  May 4, 2020

    Due Date:  May 11, 2020

    Assignment #5

    Click on link below.



    Watch the 8-minute Video.  

    Take Notes!

    Answer these 6 Questions in 1 sentence for each question

    • What is EP short for? (2 Words)
    • Who reports to the Line Producer?
    • A Line Producer on a small independent movie may also do the job of the?
    • Who accepts an Academy Award if the movie wins Best Picture?
    • Name the Producer who has led Lucasfilm since 2012?





    Failure to follow instructions will result in NO CREDT.

     Cutting and Pasting material is Plagiarism and will immediately result in an irrevocable Failing grade for the assignment.

     Please use Turnitin.com if possible.

    Assignment # 4  - Sound

    Week of April 27, 2020

    Due Date:  May 4, 2020

    Click on link below.



    Watch the 10-minute Video.  

    Take Notes!

    Answer these 6 Questions in 1 sentence for each question

    • What is the name of the pole that holds the microphone?
    • What is used to muffle air on the microphone?
    • What is the big furry windscreen known as?
    • What microphone is also the name of a gun?
    • If you do not have a clapper/slate what can you do to help you sync the sound?
    • What is ADR short for? (3 Words)





    Failure to follow instructions will result in NO CREDT.

    Cutting and Pasting material is Plagiarism and will immediately result in an irrevocable Failing grade for the assignment.

    Please use Turnitin.com if possible.

    Assignment # 3

    Week of April 20, 2020

    Due Date:  April 28, 2020

    Assignment #3

    Click on link below. 

     Dissecting The Camera


    Watch the 9-minute Video.  

    Take Notes!

    Answer these 6 Questions in 1 sentence for each question

    • Lenses come in two different types. 1 is the Variable Focal length. What is the name of the other type?
    • What is the aperture measured in?
    • What does ISO stand for? (Three Words)
    • What’s another name for the First AC ?
    • What’s another name for a tripod?
    • What was the name of the Cinematographer for the movie Road To Perdition?


    DO NOT TURN IN A LARGE PARAGRAPH.   TURN IN 8 SEPARATE SENTENCES.   Failure to follow instructions will result in NO CREDT.

    Cutting and Pasting material is Plagiarism and will immediately result in an irrevocable Failing grade for the assignment.

    Please use Turnitin.com if possible.

    Assignment # 2

    Week of April 13, 2020

    Due Date:  April 20, 2020

    Assignment #2

    Click on link below.

    The Filmmaker’s Army


    Watch the 9-minute Video.  

    Take Notes!

    Write 3 jobs in the filmmaker’s army that you have never heard of before.

    Write 1 sentence describing:

    • The names AND nicknames of the jobs (3)
    • What the job responsibility is. (3)
    • What job you might want.
    • Why would you want that job?

    8 Sentences Total !!!!


    Assignment # 1

    Week of April 6, 2020

    Due Date:  April 13, 2020


    Assignment #1

    Click on link below.

    Watch the 8 minute Video.  

    Take Notes!


    Write 3 things that you learned from the video.

    * Write 1 sentence identifying each thing that you learned and 1 sentence about 

    how you think that each can help you with a video project. 

    6 Sentences Total !!!!


    Pitch and Pre-Prod.
