• Name: Gustavo Guardado
    Classroom #: LG-107
    Email Address: guardadog@luhsd.net
    Subject(s): Art of Video Production, ROP Advance Video Production, Screenwriting,
    ROP TV Broadcasting, Intro to Broadcasting

  • Hello Video Patriots!

    I hope you're all doing well and are in good health during this unprecedented pandemic we're all in.

    I will be posting weekly assignment on this webpage. We're going to take things slow as I need to figure out how to teach a group/equipment/technology based class for distance learning. So I'm going to focus on doing assignments we've covered already this school year. And maybe we might even have some home video making assignments. But again we're going to take things slow. 

    Nonetheless, email will be the best way to contact me for now and also how I prefer you turn in assignments. So please find your class's assignment via your period # and/or course title.

    I will attempt to do Zoom office hours in the near future, however, for now email is how you need to contact me. 

    I wish you all the best, and hang in there! We'll get through this.

    Go Patriots!

    -Mr. G

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Mr. Guardado on camera