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    Welcome to the Heritage High Rugby Club

    (Liberty Union Rugby Club )

    Established in 2015, we have the privilege of being a lettered sport on campus. As one of a handful of school-affiliated rugby clubs in Northern California, we are in the forefront of bringing one of the fastest growing high school sports to our area. As a club, we encourage anyone and everyone to join. 

    Keep touch in our with club! Text @HHSRug21 to 81010 to get the latest information about our meetings, practice schedules, games, and activities for the 2020/2021 season. Girl's coach communication (for players & parents only) text @22Girlsr to 81010, and boy's coach communications (for players & parents only) text @22boysr to 81010.


    Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide a fun atmosphere for all club members. Fostering a positive environment, rugby builds self-respect whereby sportsmanship is not just a word. It is embraced and expected. We encourage the development of our players through the sport’s five core values of integrity, passion, solidarity, discipline, and respect. We are dedicated to our student athletes by stressing the importance of academic excellence and developing the athlete. By embracing all who want to play, we will create an inclusive environment on campus and in our community.

    Vision: To become a leading sports club at Heritage High School by fostering a positive environment through discipline, teamwork, and respect.

    Goals: Create a sustainable, welcoming community by adhering to the guidance set forth by Heritage High School Club Council’s rules. Build strong relationships within our school with the students, teachers, facility, and administrators. Encourage the development of a rugby family providing the warmest welcome to all new members and player, and provide mentoring to all. Create respected ambassadors of the sport and club using rugby’s five core values of teamwork, sportsmanship, respect, discipline, and enjoyment. The ULTIMATE GOAL is to maintain sustainable boy’s and girl’s teams at Liberty High School.

    Club meetings are held in Ms. Lee's Room A216

    For more information about the club, please email us here.

    Follow us on Twitter: @liberty_rugby

    Like us on Facebook: Liberty Union Rugby Club

    Check out our YouTube Channel for all game footage: Liberty High School Rugby

    Follow us on Instagram: LibertyUnionRugby

    Keep touch in our with club! Text @HHSRug21 to 81010 to get the latest information about our meetings, practice schedules, games, and activities for the 2020/2021 season. Girl's coach communication (for players & parents only) text @22Girlsr to 81010, and boy's coach communications (for players & parents only) text @22boysr to 81010.