- Heritage High School
- Welcome
Amateur Radio Club Advisor: Mr. Holmes and Mr. Schneider
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Hello! Welcome to the HHS Amateur Radio Club page.
Club Call Sign: W6HHS
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Congratulations to our recently elected 2023-24 Club Officers:
Jaisean D., President
Mason W., Vice President
Neil T., Treasurer
We need to elect a Secretary in Fall 2023.
Advisors: Mr. Holmes (holmess@luhsd.net) and Mr. Schneider (schneiderk@luhsd.net)
Remind code: text @W6HHS to 81010
Meetings in person, Room C-114, Wednesdays during lunch
Follow us on Instagram! We're at @W6HHS
All minutes are located in the club documents.
Curious about what ham radio is? Please check out this 3 minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDn-6SDxyD4
Weekly Net: Every Wednesday, 2015 hours local time (8:15 p.m.) on the WA6HAM repeater system.
We welcome all guests to the net!
WA6HAM repeater frequencies here:
14 Feb. 2022 - Woohoo! We made our first QSO for the log, using FT8 on 15m, a contact with VK4KX in Australia!
Our visit to N6RO contesting station:
After school participation in the ARRL 10 meter contest:
One of our vintage HF radios, the TenTec Omni D
Steps to getting started are below, following main club info.
Mr. Holmes and Mr. Schneider are the club's Advisors and welcome you to the new HHS Amateur Radio Club.
One major goal of the club is to help students get licensed to operate on the air. This hobby is very diverse, whether you are interested in being able to work public events or help in emergency situations and public service, or experiment with low power contacts overseas, antenna building, contacting satellites, digital modes, etc. You can enjoy this hobby if you're very shy, or very chatty, and the whole spectrum in between. You don't need to be a math or electronics expert, but you'll find that a lot makes more sense as you experiment.
Check out this video "Meet Young Radio Amateurs: Q&A With Phillipp Springer" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hh5MttDszqM
Some early steps to getting started:
Practice exam...once you get licensed, you can operate on amateur radio frequencies...so here are two practice sites. No need to seek "paid" practice sites. You may need to create a login and password. These are two possible places to get started.
The Technician license is the entry level test to get you on the air, with basic privileges on several "bands" or a range of frequencies on the air. The tests are simply rote memorization, so passing is easily achievable...the understanding of how the bands and frequencies works will grow on you over time.
After practicing and earning passing practice exam scores, I can then recommend online testing sites or some local testing. An example would be online testing through
If you find after a while that you'd like more privileges, you can then pursue the General license. It's a bit more work, but I can help. Mr. Holmes had his Technician license for a year before earning his General license.