• Selam! // Hello!

    Welcome to EESA! The Ethiopian/Eritrean Student Association here @ Heritage!

    As a club, we strive to introduce and share our rich cultures straight from the horn of Africa. Through slideshow presentations, participation in rallies, and other performance events, we aim to educate the general population about the beauty of our heritage! Strengthening, preserving, and establishing a welcoming Ethiopian/Eritrean/African community is our main objective, but anyone and everyone is welcome! 💚💛❤️

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    Have any questions? Email EESA or our Advisor!

    EESA email: ethiopianeritreanstuassoc@gmail.com

    Ms. Alexander email: alexandergi@luhsd.net

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Upcoming Events

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  • EESA Officers 22-23

    Co-Presidents: Beza Dawite & Tsion Solomon

    Vice President: Nuhamin Aklilu

    Secretary: Meklit Berhe

    Treasurer: Nancye Wedajo

    Media Publicist: Nebyu Asfaw

    Advisor: Gianna Alexander