

    School Year


    aloha patriots   We are all in this together!!!  




    Name: Gianna Sacco-Alexander                                    
    Classroom Numbers: D114/A103              Voice Messages:  (925)634-0037 
    Email Address: alexandergi@luhsd.net                                     ext. 6414
    Subject(s):  Vocational Transition, Tutorial Support,
                         Career Exploration
    Remind #s for each class to text:    
    Directions: Please text to -81010   Then, select a class to text message.
    Voc Tran 3 period: @hk6cg4           TS period 1:  @g3ed7d
    Voc Tran 7 period: @8ghe86           TS period 5:  @26g3h7
    Career Exploration 2 Period: @273793c

    Prep Periods 4 and 8 
    Contact me through email or Remind to set up an appointment.


     If you need access to assignments and/or need information regarding   any class that I teach, please sign into CLEVER and go to CANVAS.






  • I created a google classroom for students to access/review assignments, use discuss board with each other and download completed assignments into the classroom.

    Google Classroom Codes for Classes:

    • Vocational Transition Classes-k55qbv7
    • Tutorial Support Classes-phku54n
    • Career Exploration Class-ucxofv6 
    Sign in for the first time
    1. Go to classroom.google.com and click Go to Classroom.
    2. Enter your username and click Next.
    3. Enter your password and click Next.
    4. If there is a welcome message, read it and click Accept.
    5. Select join a class and type in the class code.

    You tube Video: 

    How to Log Into Google Classroom



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