Name: Ms. Cynthia Pulido
Subjects: Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Art, Photography, Design, Spanish 1 and 2, Foundations for Success, and Tutorial Support
IHS: 925-634-2589 ext. 1063
Room 13
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday: 8:20 AM to 3:30 PM.
2005 - BA in History of Art and Visual Cultures with an enphasis in Archectural Studies
2013 - Mulitple Subject Credential from Brandman University
2015 - Single Subject Crentential in Art
I enjoy learning and creating! I've always been into drawing, but I also love working with photography, ceramics, and stained glass. I also love traveling! I've been to Europe and Latin America many times but I'd like to see the rest of the world if and when the opportunity comes.