• Welcome to the Freedom Book Read!

    In this space we'll be continuing our school and department conversations regaarding the book What Effective Schools Do and any appropriate topics you feel are generated from the book read.

    The rules of the blog and how to get district credit.

    Here are a few basic rules for participation:

    1) All posts have to be original and engaging.
    2) In order to receive credit, all posts must end with your name.
    3) Posts are appreciated that explore the subject matter in a way that: a) responds to previous posts and b) encourages others to join in the conversation.
    4) All posts must be respectful of opinions (or facts if you cite them) that may or may not be different from your own. The purpose is not necessarily to find those you agree with, but to learn to engage all of us in examining the text in a way that allows us to reflect and share our own best practices.
    5) Each week, a new topic will be posted in the forum specifically addressing the content of the chapters within the book.  Be sure to make an initial post before the end of Friday of any given week (For example, initial posts on Chapter 1 need to be made by September 7, initial posts on Chapter 2 need to be made by September 14, etc.)
    6) At the conclusion of the book and completion of posts (at least one for each chapter), each individual who wishes to apply for credit from the district must submit a minimum one page write up explaining what was particular moving about the book and how, or if, it applies to your current practice. 

    And so, this novel adventure begins! Have fun and don't be afraid to take risks... 

    I look forward to all of us going in the same direction.

    - Erik