• Open Enrollment and IntraDistrict Transfer Requests

    Brentwood, CA, January 2025―In order to balance enrollment among the comprehensive school sites in the Liberty Union High School District, attendance areas for Liberty, Freedom, and Heritage High Schools were established.

    Students who live within the LUHSD boundary, but would prefer to attend a school that is not designated for their residential area, must apply for an IntraDistrict Transfer. The “open enrollment” period is available during the month of February for students and parents to complete IntraDistrict transfer requests for the 2025-26 school year. Decisions regarding these requests will be made by May 15, 2025.

    IntraDistrict Transfer requests are generally approved if they meet specific board approved criteria and as long as the enrollment for all schools is relatively balanced by total numbers. As our district continues to grow and enrollment capacities at all schools are reached, not all requests for IntraDistrict Transfers may be approved. Students will be enrolled in their home high school based on their attendance area until the IntraDistrict process has been completed in May.

    IntraDistrict Transfer request forms will be available online at http://luhsd.net starting February 1st. If you have any questions, contact Valerie Noble at (925) 634-2166 Ext. 2021.

    QR code for INTRAs