• Destiny Ebook Checkout

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    Scroll down for a video tutorial!

     Use the Online Catalog to check out a Destiny digital ebook.  These books are single user ebooks - each book can be checked out and downloaded by just one student at a time.  

    1. Search the catalog for your book, or scroll down on the main page to the “ebook” section.
    2. Click on the ebook you want to check out.
    3. To check out, log in using your student ID # / birthdate.

    To Read from your browser:

    1. After checking out the book, click on the menu icon in the upper left corner of the screen
    2. Go to Check Outs
    3. Click on the “Open” button for your ebook
    4. To return the book, click the return button.

    To use the Destiny Read App:

    1. To read your ebook on a mobile device, download the Destiny Read app from your app store (Google Play, iStore, etc.) . (You can also continue to read in your browser from a mobile device if you prefer.)
    2. Open the app and choose your location (California) and type in your school. Log in using your student ID # and your birthdate.
    3. Your ebook should appear & you can download it to your mobile device.
    4. To return the book when you're done, click the "Return" button in the browser or the app  


  • For more ebooks, digital audiobooks and resources, students can get an ecard from the Contra Costa County Library System. 

    Get more information!