zora neale hurston

English Resources

  • For video tutorials on how to use our databases, go to the Research Help Page.

    Proquest Literature & Language

    This resource covers publications on literature and language for researchers of all levels.

    Gale Reference Library

    This collection of online reference books is browsable (flip through the books, look at the table of contents, etc.) and searchable.  You can search multiple books at the same time to help find the information you need.

    Please ask a library staff member or email the librarian for the password


    General database with a large variety of topics.  To find scholarly journal articles, you can do a search for your topic (just like Google) and look for the results with the purple "Scholarly Journals" tag on them.

    Please ask a library staff member or email the librarian for the password

     Library Catalog

    Use the link above to access the library's catalog to find books on your topic.

    Facts on File History Databases

    American History

    Articles, excerpts from books & primary sources on American history.

    African American History 

    Articles, excerpts from books & primary sources dealing specifically with African American history.

    American Indian History

    Articles, excerpts from books & primary sources dealing specifically with African American history.

    Ancient and Medieval History

    Articles, excerpts from books & primary sources on World History from anceint times to the Middle Ages.

    Modern World History

    Articles, excerpts from books & primary sources on World History from the Middle Ages to the present.

    Google Scholar

    You can search Google Scholar just like Google, but the results are citiations for scholarly journal articles.  Not all of them are full text.  To access the ones that do have full text, look for the ones that have a link on the right side of the page.

    Purdue OWL

    A great page if you need help citing your sources